OK, 2019 passed way too fast, I didn't even remember I did the Sonic drawing was almost 2 years ago! I did nothing in 2019, gave up on Martin The Human (the animation, c'mon no one should give up on the character that is supposed to be themselves.)
Now I gotta do something since I've been stuck at home for 14 days now. I had some school work to do, but now Easter break started, but I'm still stuck at home. Bought a Wii this Christmas, yeah I know, I'm useless, but I want one since like 2011 (yeah it was already a bit late then) so I got one, never had a Nintendo home console, only handhelds, and it's pretty great, got one with Wii Sports of course, bought Mario Kart and Smash Bros. , ffs it's the Wii of course it's fun.
But yeah, that's basically it, I know none of the 16 followers care about my life (why should you), but i like to use my keyboard so I'll do anything to type on it.